my drawing "outsider" is being used in various places on the internet, by people wishing to illustrate the feeling of outsiderness. all without asking permission [copyrights apply], but mostly with appropriate reference to this blog, which i insist on since it is hard enough to garner some recognition as an artist. however, to see people using my drawings to bring across some emotion is a special form of recognition, which i greatly appreciate. i have been considering for some time now to release a body of work to wikimedia commons, so that people can use my drawings more freely. but i have not yet studied the consequences in enough detail.
the theme of outsiderness keeps intriguing me [you can click on the label "outsiderness" below this post to see other posts on this theme].
self-portrait in outsider forest (own work, 2012-2013, 21 x 21 cm, digital, click on the image for an enlargement)
i'm experimenting, in many ways. the combination of photoshop with `ordinary' drawing fascinates me, but seldom leaves me satisfied. but things are progressing, slowly. i'm extremely hampered by rsi (repetitive strain injury), which has been plaguing me for the past 12 years. the reason also why my blogging activity is limited.
night encounter (ongoing own work, 2007-2012, 21 x 22 cm, digital, click on the image for an enlargement)
finally then, i designed another record sleeve for my friend and fellow artist ralf kwaaknijd, who is also an active musician.
ralfk goes astral (2012, 35 x 35cm, digital, click on the image for an enlargement)
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9 years ago